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New features and a small pledge

March 20th 2011, 11:39 pm

Everyday we receive an overwhelming amount of complimentary feedback, it’s always greatly appreciated. Yesterday a user sent in some unexpected thoughts on recent events in Christchurch,

“Recently, Christchurch had a large earthquake while I was there, and 280daily helped me see the stark difference in my posts between the day before and after the quake. Before, I was complaining about little things like not enough hot water, but now afterwards I can see how ridiculous this was compared to the devastation and loss surrounding me. Looking back at my posts, this helped me get some perspective, and for that, thank you.”

The Christchurch earthquake last month was New Zealand’s deadliest natural disaster in 80 years. Little more than a week ago an 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit Japan causing a national disaster. It’s a small pledge, but for the next month, any profit we make on 280daily mugs will go towards the Japan Tsunami Appeal.

More stats
Just a quick note regarding new features. In your account statistics, you now have the option to view your most frequently used words, we’ll be expanding functionality here also. Let us know what stats are important to you.

Including a link
Another feature requested by users has been the ability to include a web link along with an entry. You can enable this by visiting Settings -> New Entry. There you’ll find the option to display a field for an interesting web address you’ve found that day.

Features, criticism and general comments are always welcome.

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