9 new features, a bunch of tweaks… and a mug
January 28th 2011, 3:30 pm
Since our update last week regarding the introduction of photo support, we’ve introduced 9 new features (depending on what you determine a feature) plus a bunch of tweaks!
Graphical Statistics
We’ve begun the introduction of graphical statistics which you can access by clicking your email address in the top right hand corner. Currently the graph shows your character length over the past 30 days, helping you spot days when you’ve forgotten to write an entry or days in which you’ve had less to talk about. Let us know if there’s a set of statistics you’d like to see. We’d like to make it possible to find trends, which would allow you to formulate conclusions. What makes a great day?
New Photo Features
In terms of photo support, we’ve been playing around with it trying to get it just right. We’re not quite there yet, let us know what you think. Other than the ability to view your image when viewing your entry, there is an updated standard flick through gallery, a new thumbnail gallery and a new full screen gallery. Along with this, we’ve introduced the ability to download your original picture file. Our photo uploader has also been improved to show the progress of your upload.
Date based relation
Essentially this allows you to link to other entries through referencing a point in the future or past. For example, if you type ‘yesterday’ in your entry, when you view the entry, the word yesterday will become a link to the day before. This would similarly work with ‘this time next week’ plus other references.
Advanced PDF
One of the features we were desperate to build was advanced PDF functionality, this feature is still in progress, but it’s a vast improvement on previous functionality. You can now export entries based on an array of variables into an array of shapes and sizes. Paper sizes now include Letter, A4, A3 and A5 as well as the ability to determine orientation and margin size. A significant enhancement is the ability to include your photos in your export. Again, we’re still working on improving PDF export, so please let us know what you think.
Other updates
You might notice changes in date formats, settings, search and account overview. The rate of new users has exceeded all expectations and we have a feature to-do list longer than a very long flat fish. Keep your eyes peeled for updates and thank you for using 280daily.
Tea? Coffee?
280daily is a free service, but we do have hosting and development costs. You now have the ability to purchase a 280daily mug, great if you enjoy a hot drink when writing your entries. We’ve made the process of purchasing a mug as simple as possible. Costs may be high in your continent or country due to shipping, we’re sorry about this!
Modelled beautifully by our bearded dragon lizard. The mug is designed to be amusing and is in no way meant to be offensive. The slogan is a spoof of a marketing campaign by a leading sports-wear company. It’s the ideal writing companion!