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10 uses for “Day of note”

January 26th 2011, 11:34 pm

On entry creation, there’s a check-box below the entry. This checkbox can be used to mark the entry for any purpose you require. The default usage is to mark it as “Day of note” meaning that it’s worth remembering. This is useful when looking back at your entries (entries marked are highlighted) or searching (search by “Day of note”).

Although this is the default use, you can apply your own idea of what it should be. This can be changed by visiting your settings and the “New Entry” tab, you can set it to whatever you wish. Here are 10 examples of alternative uses, but I’m sure there are plenty more.

General uses

“Achieved everything I set out to”

“Amazing day!”

“WHOA! What a day”

“Day I’d rather forget”

More specific uses

“Helped someone out”

“Day of the year”

“Completed my daily exercise routine”

“Spent too much money!”

“Day of the month”


Possibly an obvious point, but if your label is, “Day of the month”, it’s up to you to make sure that you haven’t marked more than one day that month.

You only get one option, so choose wisely and also remember that when you change the message, it will affect all those marked. So if you change it from, “Best day”, to, “Worst day”, all you best days will be marked as, “Worst day”, very confusing.

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