Archive your life

Sum up your day in 280 characters.

Can't remember what you did this time last week, last month or last year? Get a free, secure, private and unsociable micro journal. Detail is optional.

  • Micro journal Journals and diaries are intimidating. Keeping a full blown journal is difficult, writing 280 characters a day isn't.
  • Business productivity Keep track of your professional life.
  • Travelling You're too busy to write down every detail, store the outline and your memory will fill in the rest.
  • On the move 280daily is mobile browser friendly.
  • Priceless gift Introduce your child or family to 280daily and give their future self a priceless gift. We also offer a service whereby you can have your book professionally bound and sent to you.
  • Photo journal With 280daily, you can optionally add just one photo to each entry.
  • Food diary Losing weight or getting fit?
  • Sport Running a marathon? Track your progress.
  • Target Progress Record progress of a large task.
  • Backwards to-do list What did you get done today?
  • The Next Web
  • Business Insider
  • AppStorm
Entries are easy to do with a 280 character limit, and I think that should make for more consistent journaling, at least on my part.
... 280 characters or less so you can always read it later, archive it and even search it.
In a world where everyone shares everything, it's refreshing to see an app that's geared towards being secure and private.

Mars Dorian Mars Dorian

I found this little gem a month ago, and what can I say? I'm in MAD MAD love with it. It's a free online application that lets you sum up your entire day in 280 characters. The simple notion of writing down your achievements (and reviewing them) lets you refine your workflow: What did I accomplish today? What did I do? Using it has dramatically improved my productivity.

Michelle Wilkins Michelle Wilkins

In an effort to journal more (without boring the pants offa Twitter peeps), I signed up for @280daily.

Kinda loving it so far!

Chase Night Chase Night

Whoa! 280daily is awesome!...

I'd been lamenting my need for something just like this because I have a terrible short-term memory, but I get lost in traditional journaling. I'm going to recommend it to everyone on earth!

Kimberly Goff Kimberly Goff

I have failed for years to keep even a basic daily journal. But this program actually works. It reminds you!

Most important, the 280-character limit makes the "task" seem easy, so I actually do it. And that's what matters, in the end--it works. So far, so good!

Maggie Wenthe Maggie Wenthe

Easy way to journal daily. Now I have no excuses!

Super simple, easy to access from all your locations. Requires you to keep it short and sweet - only focus on the important pieces.

Douglas Wright Douglas Wright

Member for 1 year, 8 months. 635 entries. 21, 679 total words. 44 photos.

Those are a few stats from my 280daily journal. This is a great app. In a world of sharing/marketing/overexposure, it's nice to securely store a short, private daily recap. I'm hooked. Been using it everyday.

Kristen Chase Kristen Chase

The concept of 280daily is quite simple: Sum up your day in 280 characters or less...

Once you add an entry, you now have a searchable archive, which I think might be my favorite part. You can even click to read a random entry. Fun!

Kal @ CWS

With my memory being what it is, this is quite possibly the most useful web-app I've ever encountered.

Tim Lew Tim Lew

I've been trying to start a journal for a long time but the entries start getting ridiculously long and time-consuming and then it becomes such a chore a forget. By putting a limit of 280 characters, 280daily prevents journal keeping from getting too unwieldy... Additionally, great job on the UI. Very pretty and intuitive.

S Douglas S Douglas

After viewing several journal/app and trying a few this one seemed to provide everything I wanted and nothing that I did not want or would use. It is perfect! Sometimes developers get a little carried away by including to many bell and whistles that complicate and is rarely used. I love that the developer took time to create a clean organized app. It is easy to read to navigate. It has made keeping a journal fun again.

Stephanie Miles Stephanie Miles @ AppVita

What 280daily can offer that a traditional journal can't – in addition to security and ease-of-use – is a wide variety of searching and tracking tools. Similarly, you can use 280daily's tools to track the average word count of your entries and see how those word counts have varied over time. For tech-loving diary-phobes, 280daily is a micro journaling app that nobody can say no to.

Alvinio Molina Alvinio Molina

I think that it is a nice app. Very lean en mean en just does what it says...

Keep track of your endeavors!!! Enjoy it..

Connie Simpson Connie Simpson

Have been using this for over 6 months...wonderful!!!

Highly recommend to all my friends.

Daphne @ Pioneer Woman

I signed my 10 year old up today and he has already made two entries (he went back a day, which is as far back as he can remember!) I signed myself up too and I'm using it to log my “photo a day”.

I had been trying to figure out a way to annotate the photos with a little explanation. This is perfect!!

Morgan Quinn

This site has made my life a little less stressful. I have such a bad memory, like forgetting what I did last week. Here, I can refer back to my entries, all the way back to when I started 2 years ago.

Jessica Fry Jessica Fry

I love how it limits me, so that I only put the information that is truly important and relevant.

The daily reminders are also a neat feature since I used to always forget to write in other journals.

Elizabeth Jeffries @ CWS

I've only been using it for four days but love the user interface and also the opportunity to reflect on the day in a brief way but one which succinctly sums up my day. I am sure that I will be using this for some time to come. I already look forward to that time in the day when I can sit and think about how the day went and write my 280 to express my thoughts. Just great!

Yzurmir Yzurmir

Not only is this a great idea for an app, the execution is perfect too. The site layout is beautifully modern and very functional. You can customize literally everything and there's a lot of options (statistics, exporting as a PDF or CSV, e-mail notifications, writing entries through SMS (PRO). But at the same time it's not cluttered, there's nothing that can distract you and every feature is very easy to find. Awesome.

Jackie @ Pioneer Woman

This is a great idea! I have started and deleted no less than three blogs. Writing long entries consistently has always been a challenge for me.

This may be every day but it's a lot less pressure with the 280 character limit!

User @ CWS

I thought of starting a diary this year, but I'm too lazy to write pages and pages so dropped the idea. But after I saw details of your site on TNW, I felt this was exactly the service I was looking for (should be online, secure, short, neat and have a clean interface). Excellent work guys.

Kevin Eikenberry Kevin Eikenberry

I'm using it as a tool for short daily reflection. It's quick. It's easy. And, it only requires an internet connection, about 3 minutes, and my thoughts. You can read any of your past entries whenever you want, you can set reminders in email to remind you to write (if you want), you can go back and write for a previous day, and more.

User @ CWS

Twitter meets locked diary, 280daily sweeps away all remaining excuses and cuts away the excess that weighs down the journal experience. I am forced to focus solely on the core aspects or happenings of each day. The things I'll actually care about remembering come a week, month, or 5 years from now.

Donna J. Essner Donna J. Essner

Now, in a mere 280 words or less, I can journal, jumpstart my writing, and keep a record of writing prompts at my fingertips. Even better, it's an easy and fast setup, and it's free. I wrote my first journal in mere minutes. An added bonus–my words were succinct; they packed a punch.


Fabulous idea. Reminders are priceless. If I have neglected writing elsewhere, at least 280 reminds me to put down something.

Bridge West team Bridge West team

I simply love it! Given the fact that you can record anything here, from fitness to diets, from travelling to business, adding photos as well.. wow!

And I like the part with only 280 characters, that makes it easy, yet hard to archive all your thoughts.

User @ CWS

I've been using since it launched and I highly recommend it. I've always understood the benefits of journalling, though never found a way to be consistent. I haven't missed a day in the last three weeks with 280daily, mainly because it's hard to say, "I haven't got time"! It's a beautifully engineered web app that does exactly what it says on the tin. Again, highly recommended.

Jennifer @ CWS

I've never stuck with anything longer. And if I stray away and forget about it- I always end up returning to it. It's awesome for writing just the important stuff down and using it for future reference. You might wonder about what happened on a certain day-and it will be there without having to skim through anything. Awesome. Great as well for those with serious A.D.D. or those wanting to keep track of their daily activities/goals.

Bakari Chavanu Bakari Chavanu

I look forward to journaling at 280daily because I can get it done in less than 5 minutes. Micro-journaling methods keep me from writing long, rambling paragraphs that I may never read again. With this short form journaling you get to the point and capture those most important moments of the day.

Jeff H.

I love 280daily. Right now I use it to collect daily anecdotes I hope to give to my son when he graduates from High School. But I also hope to use it as a daily place to write short stories, character sketches or just ideas for stories. Keep up the great work.

Caz Makepeace Caz Makepeace

What a cool idea! I love this and can really see the value, even for myself.

It will really help for children to learn how to be succinct when expressing themselves. I am going to check this out as a tool for my daughters to use to record their travel experiences.

Journal consistently with daily email reminders.

Email Reminder

Email reminders can be sent daily, every other day, weekly or never. It's completely under your control. By default we send out email reminders at 4pm, visit your settings to set a time that suits you.

Completely private, secure, encrypted and safe.


We take your privacy extremely seriously. 280daily is protected by a high-grade SSL encryption and your entries will never be shown to anyone else unless you personally share them.

280daily is mobile browser friendly.

Mobile browser friendly

Access 280daily from your mobile or tablet web browser. No pinching or double tapping, we've cut out any unnecessary pages from the mobile experience and streamlined the design for mobile.

Characters written by 280daily users
Email reminders sent
Extra characters per month
Days 280daily has been online